Recycle, Reduce, Reuse

I only remember acknowledging Earth Day while in grade school.  This was the day we learned about the importance of recycling, water conservation, and why we need to turn off the lights when we leave a room.  There was also a lingering stereotype that only hippies, vegans, and tree huggers took this day extremely seriously; they would even become hyper vigilant in their pursuits of trying to convert you in joining their cause.  Now as an adult, I don’t usually celebrate this day and it seems as if the general tone of preserving the Earth has been consumed with political debates about global warming, carbon footprints, and the best ways to produce energy.  But, regardless of your political feelings about either of those topics or general indifference to this ‘holiday’, you too can benefit from this day. 

Most of us are surrounded by and use electronics frequently if not constantly throughout our day. We are spending less and less time outside and it is affecting our bodies and overall physical and mental health. In an effort not to bore you with the minute and scientific details about negative and positive ions, the positive ions that are created by these electronic devices can wreak havoc on our bodies. Storms can also increase positive ions in the atmosphere.  I’m sure I’m not the only person who has heard someone say, (or maybe YOU have said) “It’s going to rain later today, I can feel it in my joints!”  Or when the weather is gloomy before or after a storm, you may have low or no energy.  These excessive positive ions in the atmosphere can cause:

Headaches, Depression Symptoms, Low Energy, Aches and Pains, and Anxiety Symptoms

I don’t know about you, but I have Big goals and Big dreams that require high energy, focus, and a pain free body!  Earth day may traditionally be a day that most people ignore, but I encourage you to embrace this day and use it as a reminder to take care of yourself.  I personally don’t have many family responsibilities and my work days are generally shorter than the average, but I still sometimes become overwhelmed with the amount of responsibilities I do have; so, I can only imagine the stress and overwhelm for people with children and high stress jobs.

When we have the obligation of caring for others’ we often neglect ourselves.  The irony is that we actually care for others better, when we care for ourselves first.  On this day I encourage you to care for yourself and simultaneously celebrate Earth Day, by grounding also known as Earthing.  This simple yet effective technique is known to ease pain, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, lower blood pressure, causes better sleep, helps arthritis, and in my own opinion it allows you to appreciate nature and calms the spirit. 

So how does one practice Earthing?  Simple. 

Go outside

Remove Shoes

Stand on grass and walk around for 15 minutes.

Seriously, that’s all it takes! 

This is such an easy task that anyone can do.  For people like me, who prefer to only be barefoot at the beach, you can also wear socks or stand on unsealed concrete and still receive the benefits.  When you practice Earthing, it discharges positive ions and therefore increases the negative ions in the body. Once these positive ions are released you will experience an overall feeling of better health.

If you aren’t a ‘tree hugger’ you may have previously dismissed this day or never even gave it much thought. Luckily, you don’t have to be a tree hugger in order to reap the benefits.  I employ you to take 15 minutes, yes just 15 minutes, and care for yourself and appreciate the Earth. 

You deserve to be stress free and to Dream It Say It Live It.