Sound, Sleep, and Survival

Last night I was awakened by my neighbor’s dogs barking. If you have dogs you know that barks vary in severity. Well this was a ‘someone is in your back yard’ type of bark! I lay there waiting for the barks to subside but they didn’t. Finally, after about 30 more seconds the barking ceases, but then I hear heavy breathing in what I think is my hallway!

I instantly tensed up, my heart starting beating rapidly, and my eyes tried to adjust to the darkness to see who was there. (Now let’s pause because I’m sure you have questions- Does she have a weapon, is she going to to get up and look for the person like they do in a scary movie etc… All valid thoughts) Well once I confirmed I was still hearing breathing I was determined to defend my home by any means necessary!!!. As I adjusted in my bed I grabbed my phone to alert the police of what was about to “go down” I realize my phone is still playing my “Guided Sleep Meditation” videos and they are at the part of deep breathing!!!

Yes, that’s correct, it was a meditation video. Oh the relief I felt! LOL!!!

I share this not to show how tired and delusional I was after returning from vacation but to ask you, what are you willing to fight for? I was willing to do what was needed because I value life, the things I have worked for, and the people in my life. I’m not willing to sit on the sidelines and let things just happen. I get up every day with purpose and go after what I desire. If you are not willing to fight for what is in your life or your dreams, perhaps you should reevaluate some things. It’s never too late to make those adjustments and Dream It, Say It, Live It!